Dr. Jessica Fitzpatrick
Certified Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Provider
Webster Technique Certified
“Putting the Active Approach to work for you will help you take charge of your health”
Originally from Three Rock Cove, NL, Dr. Fitzpatrick first came to Halifax to work towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology at Dalhousie University as a Loran Scholar. During her studies at Dalhousie, she had a particular focus in human anatomy, physiology, and ergonomics. This keen interest of how the body functions, combined with an athletic upbringing led Dr. Fitzpatrick to pursue a career in Chiropractic. She then received her Doctor of Chiropractic upon graduating Cum Laude and Clinic Honours from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto, ON. Dr. Fitzpatrick then received her Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Diploma from McMaster University in Hamilton, ON. She has also completed post-graduate training in soft-tissue therapy, certification in low-level laser therapy as well as certification in custom orthotic therapy and foot biomechanics.
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Dr. Fitzpatrick applies an evidence-based approach to health care and focuses on patient-centered care to provide the most effective treatment for her patients.