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Preparing Your Body Ahead of Springtime Activities

By Lauren Quattrocchi, DC 5 Minute Read Spring is officially here and that means we can slowly return to some of the outdoor activities that we enjoy. I have many patients who are looking forward to getting their gardens started, return to outdoor sports such as golf...

Optimizing Your Workouts For Injury Prevention & Results

By Dan Mollins, PT 4 Minute Read The answer to the age old question, do we stretch before, during or after your workout has never been a simple one to answer? Throughout the article I will provide you with some tips for how to optimize your warm-up, and how to...

Everything You Need to Know About Gua Sha

By Megan White, RMT 4 Minute Read What is Gua Sha? You may have heard of it, or seen someone else take advantage of its benefits. But what are those benefits? Traditionally, it has been used for thousands of years and was used to treat people when they weren’t able to...

Combatting Low Back Tension from Prolonged Sitting

By Megan White, RMT 4 Minute Read Due to the pandemic, many of us had been working from home if given the option. This means extended periods of sitting in front of our computers in settings not necessarily well designed for a home office environment. Low back tension...

Effective Treatment Options for Managing Trigger Points

By Alex MacPhee, RMT 3 Minute Read We’ve all experienced that ‘ball’ of tense muscles in certain areas of the body, typically where we tend to hold our stress, such as the upper shoulders & neck. The tension builds slowly and without much warning, but before we...